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Get motivated from Monday to Friday with these simple daily goals, that promise to leave you feeling better about yourself.

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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Resolve not to sleep in today.

Resolve not to sleep in today.SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend
"Just five more minutes!" How many times has the alarm clock gone off and you're put it on snooze and thought- just five more minutes! I know I have and there was once a time in my life when I set 3 different alarms- because I was sure to switch each one off before I FINALLY dragged myself out of bed. Glorious, glorious- so glorious SLEEP!

I love to sleep! I just love my bed! It's probably on the top ten list of my favorite hangouts on the face of this planet! Ah yes- good things happen on my bed, I dream on my bed, I relax on my bed… I play on my bed, I read on my bed- I could go and on and I'm sure you could too. BUT unfortunately this favorite hangout of yours and mine has some major draw-backs, mainly that it's way too comfortable and way to tempting to part from. And thus- the more time we spend there- enjoying the comforts of this hangout- the less we do of anything else.

Sleep is good- no doubt about it and in a future blog I will be focusing on people who (amazingly) don't sleep enough. But too much sleep will certainly rob you of tons of opportunities to get closer to that BIG goal you have in your life (whatever it may be.) The wisest man that ever lived said;

How long will you lie there, you sluggard?
When will you get up from your sleep?
A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding
of the hands to rest- and POVERTY will
come to you like a thief and scarcity like
an armed man.

They clearly didn't call him the wisest for no reason- after all isn't this how it happens- we just want to sleep a little bit longer- just rest for a little while and then the time we waste instead of working allows poverty to sneak up on us. Poverty may be in terms of your relationships with other people, your work, your goals- all the things that are important to you become poor and scarce and though it happened little by little- the effects of it feel sudden and brutal- like an armed man.

Resolve not to sleep in 2day. Trust me, you'll feel like a better person at the end of the day.

N.C Ronia

Special thanks to Manu Mohan for making his photographs available for use. Click on his name to go to his profile on www.scx.hu Click HERE to go to his website.

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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Resolve to congratulate someone today.

Resolve to congratulate someone today.SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend
Laugh with those who laugh. How often have we heard about something nice that has happened to a friend or an acquaintance and have not cared enough or simply forgotten to call them? Way too many times- I'm guilty of this myself and it needs to be corrected. When good things happen to all of us, we love to tell people about it- maybe to boast or just to spread the joy, so we should make an effort to reward the good things that happen in peoples lives- by congratulating them. Their good news may not matter to you, it may not affect you in anyway or it could even be insignificant to you, but it matters to them greatly. And celebrating (no matter how long after the fact) with someone will set you apart as a person who really values others- by valuing what's important to them and that's not a bad reputation to have.

Not only will it enhance whatever relationship you have with that person, but it will leave you feeling good about yourself- because any time you do anything to invest in someone's life, be it financially, emotionally or in any other way will change you on the inside. It will open you up more to understanding and valuing people.

DO NOT do this just to score points with someone. They'll eventually see through you- but before you do it, search yourself inside for genuine joy for the good thing that has happened in their lives. If they've just had a baby- remember what it was like for you to be a new parent and all the enthusiasm you had- then call them. Or if they've just gotten a new job- think about the last time you were excited about getting a job and translate that into genuine excitement when you talk to them.

Resolve2day to congratulate someone. Trust me, you’ll feel like a much better person at the end of this day.

N.C Ronia

Special thanks to Juan Paulo F. Correa for making his photographs available for use. Click on his name to go to his profile on www.scx.hu Click HERE to go to his website.

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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Resolve not to care about who doesn’t like you 2day

Resolve not to care about who doesn’t like you 2daySocialTwist Tell-a-Friend
There are some people who will never like you, not because of something you have done, something you've said or anything you can possibly imagine. But simply because you are you. So what? Today I came in contact with one such person- in fact I come in contact with them everyday, once in a while the person does or says something to embarrass me- but not in a way you can call them out on, though. You know- those little offenses that can sneak by and you just have to swallow because if you make a big deal out of them then you'll be the person who is overreacting.

Usually I stay out of their way and then today they decided to butt into a conversation- someone was correcting me about something I didn't even know about and they stuck their foot in and said "I said that already."
The truth was- the person hadn't told me that before, they'd simply stated their disapproval of something I did and didn't say I wasn't to do it again. So being human, I wanted to say "No you didn't tell me and who do you think you are to correct me? Are you my friend? Do you ever speak to me other than greeting me in the morning? What gives you the right to correct me- just because it's not according to your personal preference?"

BUT I held back- simply because it would be my word against that persons and I'm not as rooted in the society as they are. I didn't defend myself and said, "I didn't know" then left.

I'm not going to tell you that it's easy to deal with someone not liking you- because even the most hardened heart does ache from rejection and it hurts when someone doesn't like you for no apparent reason. But what can you do about? Waste your time trying to win a battle that may never be won? Every human being is excellent at building walls- the sort that are invisible and in some cases may be more painful to crash into that physical walls.

The choice that every person has to make is whether to worry about things they can do nothing about? If there is a real problem, if there is a legit reason someone may have for not liking you- then deal with it head on, choosing to ignore it would be foolish. But, if you can't possibly comprehend why someone hates you and you've done nothing wrong- then forget it. What will it help you to focus on the unimportant people in your life that don't care about you? If they do happen to be an important person in your society and they make you miserable, then leave. Personally this person means nothing major to me- so their cold shoulder generally has little effect on my life.

Resolve2day to not care about who dislikes you. Trust me you'll feel like a better person at the end of the day.

N.C Ronia

Special thanks to Lucas Ward for making his photographs available for use. Click on his name to go to his profile on www.scx.hu Click HERE to go to his website.

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Monday, April 27, 2009

Resolve to buy someone lunch 2day.

Resolve to buy someone lunch 2day.SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend
The world economy seems to have gone to hell and people are tightening their belts. Maybe you're in a better financial position than someone else. Show them you care by buying them lunch- AS LONG AS IT IS APPROPRIATE- don't take your secretary out to lunch under your wife's nose- that sort of thing is distasteful. If the person with a need is a woman, send her to lunch with someone else and pay for it.

That sort of gesture can encourage someone in these difficult times. You may not even know what a treat you may be giving that person. It could be the first time in ages that they are having something nice to eat. Maybe they've been on a low budget grocery list.

If you- yourself are struggling financially then you can take them out for something small, like a take out, nothing fancy. But just to show that you care about them or even to reward them for something they've done for you. I once got some money and a good friend was around and I said "let me buy you lunch" so we went to lunch and ate good food and laughed and enjoyed ourselves. Afterwards he was so grateful and it made me feel good that I had treated one of my friends, spontaneously- not because he'd done something for me. And another time I bought another friend lunch because he had shared his lunch with me every day in the office. If he saw that I didn't have lunch he would share one of his sandwiches with me and when I got a chance I returned the favour a little bit more- because he'd been kind to me when my budget was tight.

The key here though, as with anything else you do for anyone, isn't to make them owe you something- it's not to buy something from them. You can't do this kind of thing with ulterior motives, because they'll spot it a mile away- but be genuine, do it because you really do care about that person and value the role they play in your life.

HOW ABOUT DOING SOMETHING DIFFERENT BY choosing someone you don’t usually hang out with. I think we'd all be more comfortable taking a friend to lunch- but widen your boundaries a bit and reach out to someone who maybe people don't really notice and you'd be surprised, you may have a good time and make a new friend in the process. If you honestly can't afford to buy them lunch, then get a doughnut and a cup of coffee- it works just as well. But make sure to schedule it ahead of time with them- so that you don't get discouraged if you turn up with a great offer and they are busy at the time or have other plans.

Resolve2day to buy someone lunch. Trust me, you’ll feel like a much better person at the end of this day.

N.C Ronia

Special thanks to Ove Tøpfer for letting me use his photograph.
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Friday, April 24, 2009

Resolve not to lie to anyone 2day.

Resolve not to lie to anyone 2day.SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend
Lying is so easy! It's almost like breathing to some people. Why? Because it gets us out of sticky situations and truth be told it- gets us into lots of sticky situations and can be detrimental to our image.

I was once a habitual liar. And now I hate lying. I do and when I tell a lie I feel awful, I feel like I am the biggest loser on earth because, I've discovered that there's no value in lying. The smallest lie, no matter how white anyone can try to paint it- will eventually come back and bite you in the leg. Every lie we tell, ultimately stems from one thing- convenience. Because it wouldn't be convenient for us to tell the truth about a particular situation, we lie- WE don't want to be uncomfortable. The main focus with lies is on us- on how telling the truth will affect us. And sometimes YES we lie to protect other people.

But how did we get into the state we're in where lying is acceptable- where deception is fine? It's not. How did we get to a stage in our relationships and daily dealings where the truth is wrong and lies are best? That's not the way it should be. We should all live lives of integrity- because all it takes is one lie being found out to destroy trust. And that trust can't be won back easily and even if it is won back, it will still be stained with the memory of a past lie.

Even if we lie to protect other people- does lying really protect them? How about when they find out that we've deceived them? Will they now trust us to protect them? What kind of people do you want to be in a relationship with? The kind of people who will lie to make you feel better or ok and then later on the situation, (whatever it may be) comes back to haunt you and you wish they'd just told you the truth straight up.

Would you like someone to lie to you? Would you want someone to hide something from you? Because, that's the main reason for lying- to hide something from someone. Can you trust someone who hides things from you? I can't. If you have to say something painful to someone- then find a gentle way of saying what needs to be said- but don't lie. It WILL come back to haunt you some day.

Resolve2day not to lie to anyone. Trust me, you’ll feel like a much better person at the end of this day.

N.C Ronia

Special thanks to Michael Cramer for making his photographs available for use. Click on his name to go to his profile on www.scx.hu
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Thursday, April 23, 2009

Resolve to find an excuse to celebrate 2day.

Resolve to find an excuse to celebrate 2day.SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend
In the world today, it seems like there isn't much to celebrate, especially with the world economy being the way it is. And it's so easy to get stuck in whining and grumbling about the cards life had dealt us. But if you take the time to look around you, you'll see that there are things to give you an excuse to celebrate.

Each of us has something in our lives to be happy about- it could be a relationship with a spouse, your kids, your family, it could be the fact that you still have a job or that you've overcome a great crisis in your life recently.

Something that makes you smile and feel alive on the inside. Celebrate over that. If it's your little girl- then just buy a cake, put one candle on it and take home and say "today we are going to celebrate the fact that we have a wonderful little girl."
Let the world can go to hell for just one day- the stress, the problems- the issues… they don't matter. Focus on what you have.

Or celebrate who you are. If you're young and single, arrange a Sunday afternoon lunch, gather your friends together and celebrate being young and to toast good health to each other. Give yourself an excuse to get together with the people that you love, with good food and laughter. Even if you have to just shut out the cold wind of reality for just a few hours.

Resolve2day to find an excuse to celebrate. Trust me, you’ll feel like a much better person at the end of this day.

N.C Ronia

Special thanks to Kathryn McCallum for making her photographs available for use. Click on her name to go to her profile on www.scx.hu
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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Resolve to tell someone how you feel 2day

Resolve to tell someone how you feel 2daySocialTwist Tell-a-Friend
If you're hurt- talk about it, don't keep it to yourself. We live in a world were everyone is hurting, everyone is scarred in one way or the other. And we live in a world that looks down on weakness and anything associated with it.

We've all been groomed to compete with superman especially on the inside. But this sadly has robbed us of the dignity of seeking out help, somehow telling someone you have a bullet in your heart is shameful. And to maintain the standard of being unshakeable we develop ways of coping that can make the situation worse, like denial and secrecy.

Denial, I think is the most deadly of coping mechanisms. Telling yourself that you don’t have a problem will NOT make it go away, but it can grow worse while you're ignoring it- until it becomes uncontrollable.

Secrecy. How many times have we heard stunned relatives and friends of a suicide victim say "we had no idea he felt that way," or "we are shocked- it's just unbelievable." There are many reasons people keep secrets, maybe they think they can handle their problems or they are ashamed of their problems. Either way, things don't usually end well.

Don't keep what you're going through to yourself. Tell someone you know can be trusted and someone you love… someone who won't judge you or throw stones at you for what you're going through.

Resolve2day to tell someone how you feel. Trust me, you’ll feel like a much better person at the end of this day.

N.C Ronia

Special thanks to Luciano Tirabassi for letting me use his photograph.
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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Resolve to begin this journey one step at a time 2Day.

Resolve to begin this journey one step at a time 2Day.SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend
I have heard it said that the journey of a thousand miles is begun with one step and that’s very true. Of course that’s not the whole matter when it comes to achieving any goal in life, but it’s a very important step (no pun intended.)

Many tell themselves every night that they will start on the journey of their choice the next day, or the next week or the next month or even the next year. Not really because time dictates so, but because complacency does.

So today I challenge you to commit to reading every single post of this blog for the next week, month and yes, even year and NOT JUST READ it but set the very simple goals in it, that are sure to leave you feeling like a better person 24 hours after applying them.

The choice is in your hands ultimately- because as we’ve all found out- no one can really live our lives for us, but we have to live them for ourselves. If life were so simple as to allow others to live for us, we’d either be very happy or very miserable- happy because someone else would do the hard things that are needed to take us to a higher level. Or miserable, because we might find ourselves as slaves to someone else’s will and selfishness.

So whatever goals you’ve had in mind, which you have been complacently putting aside, pick them up 2DAY. Right this minute, right this moment.

If you are like me and need to make a to-do list to keep you on top of things then I suggest you add one task you have been putting off forever on the list and do it 2day.

Resolve2day to begin this journey one step at a time. Trust me, you’ll feel like a much better person at the end of this day.

N.C Ronia.

Special thanks to Yarik Mission for letting me use his photograph.
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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Making each day count

Making each day countSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend
We all make resolutions during the New Year's- we convince ourselves that this time we’ll become all we want to be. While that's great, we often take on too much and fail,then feel frustrated with ourselves for not reaching the goals we had in mind for ourselves. THE GOOD NEWS IS a new year can start whenever you want it to- EVEN TODAY and a year from now you will look back and think "A year ago I wasn’t the person I am today

Your New Year can start today!!!

And with that in mind, this blog is challenging you to RESOLVE-TODAY, to reach for some of the goals that you may have let fall away as the year progressed, not in big ways, but in small ways that can help you improve the person you are. Get a grip of your Relationship, Health, Finances and Spirituality TODAY.

The journey of a thousand miles is begun with one step- small as it may be- but as long as it's in the right direction, it's worth it. And I guarantee you that if you follow each step I tweet everyday- you will feel like a better person than you were when you woke up.

N.C Ronia
Twitter: Resolve2day
