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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Resolve to begin this journey one step at a time 2Day.

Resolve to begin this journey one step at a time 2Day.SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend
I have heard it said that the journey of a thousand miles is begun with one step and that’s very true. Of course that’s not the whole matter when it comes to achieving any goal in life, but it’s a very important step (no pun intended.)

Many tell themselves every night that they will start on the journey of their choice the next day, or the next week or the next month or even the next year. Not really because time dictates so, but because complacency does.

So today I challenge you to commit to reading every single post of this blog for the next week, month and yes, even year and NOT JUST READ it but set the very simple goals in it, that are sure to leave you feeling like a better person 24 hours after applying them.

The choice is in your hands ultimately- because as we’ve all found out- no one can really live our lives for us, but we have to live them for ourselves. If life were so simple as to allow others to live for us, we’d either be very happy or very miserable- happy because someone else would do the hard things that are needed to take us to a higher level. Or miserable, because we might find ourselves as slaves to someone else’s will and selfishness.

So whatever goals you’ve had in mind, which you have been complacently putting aside, pick them up 2DAY. Right this minute, right this moment.

If you are like me and need to make a to-do list to keep you on top of things then I suggest you add one task you have been putting off forever on the list and do it 2day.

Resolve2day to begin this journey one step at a time. Trust me, you’ll feel like a much better person at the end of this day.

N.C Ronia.

Special thanks to Yarik Mission for letting me use his photograph.
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