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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Resolve to congratulate someone today.

Resolve to congratulate someone today.SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend
Laugh with those who laugh. How often have we heard about something nice that has happened to a friend or an acquaintance and have not cared enough or simply forgotten to call them? Way too many times- I'm guilty of this myself and it needs to be corrected. When good things happen to all of us, we love to tell people about it- maybe to boast or just to spread the joy, so we should make an effort to reward the good things that happen in peoples lives- by congratulating them. Their good news may not matter to you, it may not affect you in anyway or it could even be insignificant to you, but it matters to them greatly. And celebrating (no matter how long after the fact) with someone will set you apart as a person who really values others- by valuing what's important to them and that's not a bad reputation to have.

Not only will it enhance whatever relationship you have with that person, but it will leave you feeling good about yourself- because any time you do anything to invest in someone's life, be it financially, emotionally or in any other way will change you on the inside. It will open you up more to understanding and valuing people.

DO NOT do this just to score points with someone. They'll eventually see through you- but before you do it, search yourself inside for genuine joy for the good thing that has happened in their lives. If they've just had a baby- remember what it was like for you to be a new parent and all the enthusiasm you had- then call them. Or if they've just gotten a new job- think about the last time you were excited about getting a job and translate that into genuine excitement when you talk to them.

Resolve2day to congratulate someone. Trust me, you’ll feel like a much better person at the end of this day.

N.C Ronia

Special thanks to Juan Paulo F. Correa for making his photographs available for use. Click on his name to go to his profile on www.scx.hu Click HERE to go to his website.

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